The City Council passed a resolution in March that prohibits all large vehicles from parking on the 13 streets listed below:
- Ward Drive between Hollister Avenue and the place where it ends
- South Patterson between Hollister Avenue and a point 400 feet south of Ekwill Road
- Overpass Road between South Patterson and Sumida Gardens Lane
- Encina Road between Kingston Avenue to North Fairview Avenue
- Pine Avenue between Hollister and Thornwood Drive
- Kellogg Way
- South Kellogg Avenue between Hollister Avenue and Technology Avenue
- Winchester Canyon Road south of Cathedral Oaks Road
- Cathedral Oaks Road from Paseo Del Pinon to 300 feet east of Brandon Drive
- North Fairview Avenue between La Goleta Road and Cathedral Oaks Road
- Ellwood Station Road between Hollister Avenue and Highway 101
- Los Carneros Way between Calle Koral and Hollister Avenue
- Via Jero Road north of Hollister Avenue
Oversized Parking
How Do I Report a Violation or Receive Additional Information?
Call the City’s code enforcement officer, Greg Nordyke, at 961-7556 during normal business hours for more information or to report a violation. The Sheriff’s non-emergency dispatch center can also be contacted at 692-5743 to report a violation.