City Sees Savings
The City of Goleta is rapidly becoming a leader in resource and energy efficiency through a commitment to reduce consumption, emissions and create a better environment for the community. As part of their commitment, the City recently completed lighting upgrades throughout parts of the community and in City facilities from funds received through participation in the Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant (EECBG) Program. The lighting upgrades consisted of high efficiency ceiling fixtures, including T8 lamps, conversion of incandescent exit signs to LED and installation of watt-stop per motion sensors, among others that replaced older and less efficient fixtures and lamps.
The efforts made to upgrade lighting within the community were influenced by the City’s Energy Efficiency Action Plan and represent a desire to improve operations and inspire change.
The upgrades occurred at the following facilities:
• 166 fixtures were retrofitted, $15,000 in materials and $12,000 in labor
The annual savings of kilowatt hours = 35% of electricity usage or $11,000/year in savings
• Offices, conference rooms, restrooms and City Council chambers
• 84 fixtures, $81,000 in materials and $18,000 in labor
52% kilowatt hours per year of electricity savings
• 207 high-efficiency fixtures were installed at Brandon, Ellwood, Kellogg and La Patera Schools, $42,000 in materials and $11,000 in labor
78% kilowatt hours per year in electricity savings
• Brandon School • Ellwood School
• Kellogg School • La Patera School