The City occasionally receives work requests and suggestions on improving areas that fall outside of the City’s boundaries. The dividing line between the City and the County,particularly on the east side of Goleta can be confusing. Here’s a primer on what is within and outside of the City limits:
Santa Barbara Airport: OUT
The Santa Barbara Airport is in the City of Santa Barbara even though it is not contiguous with any other piece of the City of Santa Barbara.
Hollister Avenue adjacent to the Airport: OUT
This is one of the areas that we hear the most complaints about. This section of Hollister Avenue between Fairview Avenue and Los Carneros Road is in the City of Santa Barbara. Therefore, its maintenance also falls within their road maintenance program.
South of Highway 101 between Patterson Avenue and Lassen Drive: IN
This area, from Highway 101 south toward and including Ekwill Road, is part of the City of Goleta.
Twin Lakes Golf Course: OUT
This is in the unincorporated area of Santa Barbara County.
Glen Annie Golf Course: OUT
This is also in the unincorporated area of Santa Barbara county.
The next time you have a question about whether something is within the City of Goleta
or outside the boundaries, check the map at www.CityofGoleta.org. You’ll find the link to
“Community View” on the list on the left side of the homepage.