2014 starts off with a bang as a number of capital improvement projects will be kicking off over the next six weeks. Here’s an update:
Los Carneros Overhead Bridge Replacement Project – This project will replace the Los Carneros overhead bridge. The Council awarded a contract to Granite Construction on December 17 and the project will break ground this spring (weather permitting).
Pedestrian Improvements at Cathedral Oaks at Santa Marguerita – The project will construct solar powered pedestrian activated Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) to provide an additional visual alert to motorists when a pedestrian wishes to cross the street. In addition to the flashing beacons, the project will also include removing the dedicated turn lane from westbound Cathedral Oaks Road to northbound Santa Marguerita Avenue, providing curb extensions at the crosswalk and install a pedestrian refuge in the median, which will be widened to accommodate the refuge. The project will take approximately 15 working days to complete and will begin this week.
Las Vegas San Pedro Culvert Project – This Caltrans project will replace the culverts that carry Las Vegas and San Pedro Creeks under Calle Real and Highway 101 near Fairview Avenue. While the project is underway, the Fairview northbound on-ramp is expected to be closed for 12-18 months, and the Fairview southbound on-ramp is expected to be closed for six months. Caltrans expects to break ground in March. The City will be working closely with Caltrans to distribute information about the project.
San Jose Creek Project – Work inside the creek has been completed and roadway improvements on South Kellogg Avenue are underway. The project is expected to finish up this spring.
Patterson Avenue Sidewalk Infill Project – After a competitive bidding process, a construction contract was awarded to DPM Construction on December 3rd. Construction is expected to begin this month to create curb, gutter and sidewalk on the north side of Patterson Avenue between Debbie Street and Hollister Avenue.
Old Town Crosswalk Enhancements – The City Council will hear a presentation and have a discussion on proposed crosswalk enhancements on Hollister Avenue across from the Goleta Valley Community Center and on Orange Avenue at their February 4 council meeting. The City was recently awarded $180,000 from the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) in a highly-competitive grant process. This money will provide the funding for this important project. Look for the Council agenda and staff report for February 4 on the City’s website at www.cityofgoleta.org. (Information will be posted by 6 p.m. on Thursday, January 30.)
A number of other projects are moving forward and are listed on our city website at www.cityofgoleta.org.