The City of Goleta has once again been recognized as a safe City. SafeWise (www.safewise.com) released its “50 Safest Cities in California” report and Goleta ranked #22. SafeWise used the most recent FBI crime data and other ranking factors, like unique safety initiatives and security programs implemented within the past few years to compile the list From the hundreds of cities in California, the list was narrowed to the top 50 and assigned rankings according to how the city met the criteria.
This is the second time this year the City of Goleta has been recognized as a safe community. Last February Neighborhood Scout ranked Goleta 95 in the top 100 Safest Cities in the United States. Their report can be found here: http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ca/goleta/crime/.
To view the SafeWise list of 50 Safest Cities click here: http://www.safewise.com/blog/50-safest-cities-california/