The Goleta Valley Historical Society invites you to experience their 2014 exhibit, Reflections: Memories of the Goodland. Created from the collective memories of the community, this revolving display of images was made possible by the many people who donated photographs during the Society’s Heritage Project in 2002 and through the continuous collection of images from “pioneer” families. From the faces of farm workers, to beach parties on Hope’s Ranch, to blissful wedding celebrations, the photos tell of the farms, fun and families that make up the history of our Goleta Valley.
The Society wants to inspire visitors to explore and share their own family histories through photos and genealogical resources. Visitors to the display at the History Education Center at Rancho La Patera are encouraged to submit their own images to be added to the Society’s collection along with oral histories and interviews for future generations.
GVHS needs you to continue building our collection! Leave your mark on Goleta’s history by sending your pre-1960 scanned image(s) to photos@goletahistory.org. Owners should also submit any known information such as title, location and names.
To view the exhibit, visit Rancho La Patera on Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Rancho La Patera is located at 304 North Los Carneros in the heart of Goleta. For more information about visiting or volunteering, contact the Goleta Valley Historical Society at (805) 681-7216 or www.goletahistory.org.
Wedding Photo Caption: July 4th wedding of Frances Cavaletto and Angelo Bosio, 1928