With the importance of education about the local water shortage, the City asked the Goleta Water District to provide an article for our newsletter. We trust you’ll find the information helpful.
On March 11, 2014, the Goleta Water District (District) declared a Stage 1 Water Shortage and called for a voluntary 20% water use reduction. Since that time, customers have reduced their water use by 8%. Due to persistent drought conditions, a Stage 2 Water Shortage Declaration is scheduled for consideration by the District Board of Directors on September 9, and will call for more stringent, mandatory water reductions to protect the District’s water supply reliability. These restrictions will reflect the State of California’s new emergency outdoor watering restrictions which take effect on August 1. The District is also expanding its conservation incentive and rebate program to offer money-saving ways for customers to further reduce water use. In July, the District adopted its Drought Preparedness and Water Shortage Contingency Plan which outlines the steps the District and customers will need to take if drought conditions persist. The plan is available at www.goletawater.com
What can customers do to conserve even more? Reducing outdoor water use is the easiest way to save the most significant amount of water. Simple actions customers can take to save water outdoors include planting California-friendly trees and plants, reducing lawn size, adjusting sprinklers so they do not water driveways and sidewalks, setting irrigation systems to water at night or in the early morning hours, always using a shut-off nozzle with garden hoses, and using a broom to clean driveways and sidewalks. Of course, the simplest way to save water is to water less often.
Indoor water saving actions include installing water wise fixtures and appliances, fixing leaky faucets and toilets, running the dishwasher and washing machine only when full, taking shorter showers and turning off the shower while lathering, and turning off the faucet when brushing your teeth. Customers can learn more at www.goletawater.com or contact the District with questions and concerns, to report a leak or water waste, or to schedule a complimentary home or business water survey. For additional information on water conservation, please visit our state and regional partners at www.SaveOurH2o.org and www.WaterWiseSB.org.
Together we can all do our part to conserve and extend the community’s valuable water supplies during this drought.