Over 50 people attended the Hollister Class 1 Bikeway Open House last month to review two proposals for a bike way on the south side of Hollister Avenue. It was great to see the interest from cyclists, parents, teachers and community members as they viewed the plans.
Here’s a summary of the proposals:
- Alternative 1 proposes a Class I bike path which is separated from the sidewalk. In this case the five foot sidewalk would remain and a separate Class I bike path – eight feet wide, would be added between the sidewalk and the existing Class II bike lane. A five foot curbed on each side landscape buffer area would be located between the Class II bike lane and the Class I bike path. The Class I bike path would be asphalt surface at the same level as the street. It would not be striped. Two-way bike travel will be allowed in the Class I bike path.
- Alternative 2 proposes a Class I, multi-use path, which would be twelve feet wide and will be shared by pedestrians and bicycles alike. Two-way bike travel will be accommodated in the path. The path will be a concrete surface and separated from the traveled way and Class II bike lane with a five foot landscaped area. The twelve foot wide Class I-multi-use path can be striped to indicate a pedestrian path and bike path (during busy travel times such as commute to and from school). This exceeds the ten foot standard set by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials(AASHTO) by two feet.
The City was successful in obtaining Active Transportation Program funding for the project and was recently awarded a $1.65 million grant from the California Transportation Commission (see article here.)
Prior to finalizing the preferred design alternative there will be several additional steps. The City will continue to work with design consultants to develop the alternatives and will look carefully at each side street crossing, while incorporating or researching answers to comments and questions gathered at the public meeting. The City Council will then be asked to weigh in with their opinions and comments.
Construction is anticipated to begin summer of 2015. For more information on the Hollister Class 1 Bikeway, please visit http://cityofgoleta.org/projects-programs/bicycle-projects/hollister-class-1-bikeway.