Years in the making, construction of traffic improvement projects in the vicinity of Storke Road and Hollister Avenue are finally underway. Some of these projects are funded by the City of Goleta through the Goleta Transportation Improvement Program (GTIP) since the projects are part of the City’s General Plan. Others are the result of conditions of approval required for new development in the area. All major private development projects contribute to public infrastructure improvements to mitigate the impacts of the development on existing infrastructure per the General Plan.
Over the next two years there will be significant changes to this area’s traffic circulation, improvements that should improve the existing conditions. Let’s look at these projects individually.
Hollister Village (Retail Plaza and Apartment Complex)
Hollister Avenue and S. Glen Annie Road improvements will include:
• A new entrance to Hollister Village with a traffic signal will be added directly across from
the northern entrance to the Camino Real Marketplace. The street will be called Village Way. (image 1)
• A traffic signal at South Glen Annie Road and Hollister Avenue. (image 1)
• An eastbound left hand turn lane into Village Way. (image 2)
• A westbound right hand turn pocket into Village Way. (image 2)
• An extension of the existing eastbound left turn lanes on Hollister Avenue to northbound Storke
Road. (image 3)
• A bus stop and pick up/drop off pocket on the north side of Hollister Avenue. (image 3)
While the onsite project has been underway for months, roadwork along Hollister Avenue has recently begun, including a new sidewalk, curb and gutter and landscaping between South Glen Annie Road and Santa Felicia Drive. This phase also includes new sidewalk, curb and gutter and additional parking on South Glen Annie Road.
This work is expected to take about 14 weeks and will include occasional night work for slurry seal and paving. Construction is expected to conclude in November.
Storke Road improvements will include:
• Widening and restriping of Storke Road to provide a third northbound through lane from Hollister
Avenue to the U.S. 101 southbound onramp. (image 4)
• Right-turn capacity and bike lane improvements at the Storke Road/U.S. 101 southbound ramps
intersection. (image 5)
GTIP Project
The remaining project will be funded through GTIP and will include a new westbound through lane on Hollister Avenue from Storke Road to the Hollister Village Entrance. This will allow the southbound right turn lane from Storke Road onto westbound Hollister Avenue to be a “free” movement. This will be a two-phased project. (image 6)