Next week on October 7, the Goleta City Council will consider a temporary off-street-only parking program for Halloween weekend because of the impacts of Isla Vista Halloween on the City’s neighborhoods, particularly those which are adjacent to Isla Vista. This off-street-only parking would be for the neighborhoods known as University 1 and University 2 between Cannon Green Drive
and Storke Road and from Hollister Avenue to the southern City limits along Whittier Drive. (A map of the area is below.) For those residents with more vehicles than can fit in their driveways, specially permitted parking would be available overnight though a partnership with Girsh Park and Camino Real Marketplace.
The staff report prepared for the item will be available on the City’s website after Thursday, October 2 at 5 p.m. Please submit any comments to the City Council by emailing citycouncil@cityofgoleta.org or calling the individual council members at 961-7500 in advance of Tuesday’s 1:30 p.m. meeting.
Also be sure to mark your calendars for the City’s annual community meeting on neighborhood safety during Halloween weekend. This meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 16 from 6-7 p.m. in Goleta City Council Chambers located at 130 Cremona Drive, Suite B. Law enforcement and City staff will be on hand to discuss the actions and activities the City is taking to prepare and address neighborhood concerns. Should the pilot parking program be enacted, staff will also be available to answer any questions.
For more information, please contact the Neighborhood Services Department at 961-7556.