A new law has passed that will give cyclists more room for safety on the road. Governor Jerry Brown signed the Three Feet for Safety Act. AB 1371 that went into effect on September 16, 2014. The new law requires motorist to give at least three feet clearance to bicyclists when passing from behind, and is expected to reduce car-bicycle accidents by reminding drivers to give bicyclists more safe space when passing. The Three Feet for Safety law requires that motorists either give cyclists a three feet buffer or slow down to the point to ensure safety and pass when the cyclist will not be endangered when traffic or roadway conditions prevent giving three feet when passing.
Here are some additional tips that will help keep both motorists and cyclists safe:
Safety Tips for Motorists
• Slow down near bicyclists
• Pay attention and avoid driving distractions
• Look for bicyclists before opening your car door
• Be aware of oncoming bicyclists when making a left turn
• Check your blind spot for bicyclists before turning right
Safety Tips for Bicyclists
• Ride with the flow of traffic, not against it
• Ride with a white front light at night
• Be visible. Don’t hug the curb and ride in a straight line
• Stop at red lights and stop signs
• Ride 3-5 feet to the left of parked cars to avoid opening doors
• Be predictable and use hand signals
Drivers who zoom by cyclists will be fined a $35 penalty. If an accident were to occur,
fines can start at $220.
Please remember to always practice safety and remember to share the road!
To learn more about bike and pedestrian safety, please visit AAA.com/safetytips.