In many instances, people responding to an emergency situation use terms familiar to them which may not be widely known by the general public. Get up to speed with these common terms used during a fire:
Mandatory Evacuation Order = Leave immediately; there is an imminent or existing risk to life and property.
Evacuation Warning = A strong likelihood that there will be a risk to life and property, and residents in the warning area should take this time to prepare to leave quickly if given the mandatory evacuation order. Time should be taken to gather family members, pets, valuables, and important paperwork/documents. An individual or family should be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. However, if anyone feels threatened, do not wait for an evacuation order – leave immediately.
Red Flag Warning = Critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can create extreme fire behavior.
Fire Weather Watch = Typically issued generally 12 to 72 hours in advance of potential critical fire weather conditions.