The City of Goleta has been working with a consultant team from Historic Resources group to conduct a citywide historic resources survey. Information collected from the survey will give property owners and developers greater certainty about the historic significance of a site so that they can plan accordingly. It will also inform thoughtful decision-making by City officials, property owners, residents, and preservation professionals. The project consists of the creation of a comprehensive Citywide Historic Context Statement (a written document that provides the framework for evaluating a property for historic significance and integrity) and a Citywide Historic Resources Survey (a process of systematically identifying, researching and documenting properties that reflect important themes in the city’s growth and development).
Throughout the project, public input has been requested. Recently there have been two public workshops to discuss and receive input on both the draft of the Goleta Citywide Historic Context Statement, and specifically, the archaeological resource portion of the draft. A Tree and Landscape Study was also made available for public feedback and was presented to the Public Tree Advisory Commission for comments at their November 29 meeting. The next public workshop will be in spring. Get up to speed on the project at www.HistoricGoleta.org. To be notified by email or text message about public workshops and updates on this topic sign up here.
Photo: Goleta Depot in 1912; streetside view