September 15 – 22, 2018, is Creek Week on the Santa Barbara South Coast. Celebrating its 19th year, Creek Week is an annual celebration of our creeks, watersheds and the ocean. Throughout the week, there are guided nature walks, project tours, restoration events, beach and creek cleanups and more. Below are some local activities you can participate in:
- Saturday, September 15 – Glen Annie Creek cleanup
- Saturday, September 15 – Coastal Cleanup Day (local beaches include Ellwood Mesa Beach, Goleta Beach and Haskell’s Beach)
- Sunday, September 16 – Tour of the County’s Baron Ranch
- Wednesday, September 19 – Tour of the Goleta Sanitation District’s Treatment plant
Reservations are required for many of the activities. View the full schedule and reserve your space at www.sbcreekweek.com.