The City’s 2015 Recreation Needs Assessment identified a handful of local parks as needing playground improvements. Over the last two years, the City has received feedback through public meetings and surveys that indicates the residents in these affected neighborhoods want improved and expanded play areas at these parks. At the February 19, 2019, City Council meeting, Council will be deciding on the upgrades to make at Winchester II Park (on Calle Real and Jenna Drive), and if so, where to place the new equipment. It is important for City Council to hear your thoughts on new playground equipment at this park. Come to the meeting on February 19 at City Council Chambers (130 Cremona Drive, Suite B), or email City Council at citycouncil@cityofgoleta.org. The Council meeting agenda and staff report will be available at https://tinyurl.com/GoletaMeetings on February 14. Additional information on upgrades to the local parks identified in the 2015 Recreation Need Assessment can be found here.