Work on the City’s Creek and Watershed Management Plan (CWMP) has begun. Consistent with guidance included in the City’s General Plan Conservation Element, the CWMP will provide a detailed approach for protecting the ecological function and water quality of Goleta’s creeks and watersheds. This foundational document will provide more information about the physical characteristics of the creek corridors and their habitats, identify places where repairs or improvements are warranted, and provide best management practices to keep the creeks vital and healthy.
On June 4, 2019, the City Council approved a contract with Dudek, an environmental planning and engineering firm, with offices throughout California, including Santa Barbara. To date, there has been a kick-off meeting with City staff, an inventory of relevant information has been compiled, and field work is planned.
Public Outreach is a key component of the CWMP planning efforts. A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will be formed and public workshops are being planned. Specific outreach details are still evolving, but the City will have a table or booth with more information about the project and participation opportunities at Creek Week events (September 21-28) and the Lemon Festival (September 27 & 28).
Over the next few months, additional CWMP information will be available here on the City’s website. You can also sign up here to receive information on the Creek & Watershed Management Plan sent directly to you via email or text message.