The 20th Annual Creek Week is September 21 – 28, 2019! It is an annual celebration of Santa Barbara South Coast’s creeks, watersheds, and the ocean. Throughout the week, local organizations host events to help build awareness and stewardship of Santa Barbara, Goleta, and Carpinteria’s natural treasures. Creek Week kicks off with Coastal Cleanup Day on Saturday, September 21. Other events throughout the week include guided nature walks, project tours, restoration events, creek clean-ups, and more. Visit sbcreekweek.com, or like the event at www.facebook.com/SBCreekWeek, to stay up to date as events are added to the schedule.
Participate in this year’s coloring contest by clicking here for a printable coloring page. Share your completed artwork on Facebook or Instagram tagged with #sbcreekweek for a chance to win a fun prize!
Creek Week is coordinated by the City of Santa Barbara Creeks Division, County of Santa Barbara Project Clean Water, the City of Carpinteria, the City of Goleta, UCSB, and Explore Ecology.