The City of Goleta took a big step forward to reduce the carbon footprint in our City offices. On September 1, 2019, we implemented a ban on single-use plastics at City Hall, the Corporation Yard, and at our libraries – Goleta Valley Library, Buellton Library and Solvang Library. Kitchens are now equipped with washable plates, metal utensils, plate scrapers and dish towels, just like at home. We are no longer ordering plastic utensils, and instead employees are bringing dishes from home or using what is provided in the kitchens. To help kick off our Single-Use Plastics Elimination, a mug contest was held. While there were many creative entries, Accounting Manager Tony Gonzalez took home the prize for best mug!
Plastic pollution has a huge negative impact on our oceans, animals, soils, food chain, and public health. Single-use plastic items are items used one time and thrown away, such as plastic forks, knives, spoons, and stirrer straws. They fill up our landfills and do not break down easily over time. When they do break down, they create a toxic sludge. Non-recyclable items like paper plates and paper cups with coating also fill up our landfills.
It’s amazing and refreshing to see how, even in just one month, the difference our Single-Use Plastics Elimination has made in reducing the amount of trash we typically generate. It feels good to be part of helping to make a positive change for our environment. None of this would have been possible without the work of our Green Team. A big thanks to Sophie Barragan, Dana Grossi, Paul Medel, Darryl Mimick, Cindy Moore, Andrea Moreno, Kim Nilsson, Sandra Rodriguez, Dominique Samario, and Francie Townes.