Are you interested in becoming a Certified Green Business or already a member of the Green Business program of Santa Barbara County? The Santa Barbara Green Business Alliance (SBGBA) is here to help you build connections with other certified businesses to save money, market your business, and receive recognition. Through its cooperative network of businesses, organizations, and local leaders who are committed to the practice and promotion of environmentally and socially responsible business practices, SBGBA provides tools and resources that support local green certified businesses by:
- Increasing capacity building through continued resource sharing, and exposure to educational opportunities and materials, pertinent legislation and other community issues.
- Creating an integrated network of information and contacts for successful implementation and execution of green business practices.
- Assisting in the promotion of green business development and expansion of the certified green business network.
SBGBA members gain the opportunity to network and form relationships with like-minded businesses and groups, enjoy positive exposure to the public as a responsible business, and share ideas as to how to further improve the environmental impact of their operations.
For more information on joining the Green Business Alliance and upcoming events, contact Frances Gililand at (805) 729-3472 or email coordinator@greenbizsbc.org. To become a Certified Green Business, visit www.GreenBizSBC.org.