Goleta is a caring community, and there has never been a time that we need each more than now. Check on your neighbors, specifically the most vulnerable, to see if they need help. You may be able to pick up groceries for them or set them up with technology. Please remember to follow social distancing guidelines. You can also keep in touch with family and friends through text messages and video chat.
The County of Santa Barbara is in search of community members who would like to utilize their wisdom and talents by volunteering for various COVID-19 related projects. Volunteer assignments will be based on the skills, knowledge, and abilities of each individual volunteer and may include supporting emergency shelters, food distribution call centers, alternative care sites or other emerging needs.
Community members interested in volunteering can sign up by completing the Volunteer Registration Form found on the Santa Barbara County Public Health portal and emailing the completed form to EOCLogistics@santabarbaraca.gov or by contacting the Santa Barbara City CERT Spontaneous Volunteer Center, Monday through Friday from 10am – 2pm @ (805) 564-5780 to sign-up over the telephone.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) donations are also being accepted. Learn more here: https://publichealthsbc.org/volunteering-and-donations/.
Additional volunteer opportunities available in Goleta include:
Foodbank of Santa Barbara County
The Foodbank of Santa Barbara County is working to ensure the nutritional health of all residents of Santa Barbara County as our community battles COVID-19. There are a number of volunteer opportunities available, including:
- Help assemble pre-packed bags of food to be distributed to our community.
- Help manage and receive disaster related inquiries from community members by phone. Bilingual volunteers are preferred.
- Pick up donated food and bread from local grocery stores.
- Assist with the packing and distribution of food at our new SAFE Food Net distribution sites.
- Able and willing to make face masks at home and drop them off at warehouse locations. Masks should meet CDC requirements and be in a plastic bag when dropped off.
Learn more and create a volunteer account at https://foodbanksbc.org/give-help/volunteer/.
United Boys & Girls Clubs
United Boys and Girls Clubs are a Food Bank Distribution site during this time. They could use volunteers to help bag canned goods. The Goleta location (5701 Hollister Ave) has two shifts: 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
If you can help, please contact Tina Ballue at tballue@unitedbg.org or Kate Newbury at knewbury@foodbanksbc.org.
Bucket Brigade
- Volunteer: https://sbbucketbrigade.org/volunteer/
- Need help? Click here: https://sbbucketbrigade.org/need-help/
Donate blood
Urgent shortage: donors needed. If you are healthy and able please consider donating blood now. As this disease continues to spread there will be significantly less people able to donate.
- Vitalant, (877) 25-VITAL, www.vitalant.org/Home.aspx
- American Red Cross, (800) RED CROSS, www.redcrossblood.org
Statewide Opportunities
California Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled a new website (https://californiavolunteers.ca.gov/get-involved/covid-19/) where Californians can sign up to lend a helping hand during the pandemic through organizations like Red Cross, United Way and the California Food Banks Association. Other opportunities to volunteer include tutoring, fielding 211 calls, making face coverings, volunteering at shelters, calling to check in on seniors, translating and helping with tax prep.