The City of Goleta is initiating a new Capital Improvement Program (CIP) project which will take steps toward making Hollister Avenue in Old Town a “Complete Street.” At the January 19, 2021, City Council meeting, Council approved the new project and also approved using $70,000 from the Measure A fund balance to begin traffic and engineering analysis to develop the Conceptual Design for the new Hollister Avenue Old Town Interim Striping Project. Measure A funds can only be used to fund local transportation projects consisting of road repair, traffic relief and safety measures.
After hearing from staff and a considerable amount of public comment, Council directed staff to move forward with this top priority project. The Interim Striping Project includes reducing Hollister Avenue from four to two lanes in the Old Town corridor and adding Class II bike lanes. The goal is to create safe, convenient and comfortable travel and access for community members of all ages and abilities, regardless of their mode of transportation along Hollister Avenue in Old Town Goleta.
The Hollister Avenue Old Town Interim Striping Project came about due to the long timeline and lack of funding needed to construct the Hollister Avenue Complete Streets Corridor Project. The Hollister Avenue Complete Streets Corridor Project will enhance safety, access and mobility for all users (pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders) on Hollister Avenue between Fairview Avenue and State Route 217.
The Interim Striping Project focuses on improvements to the Hollister Avenue corridor between Fairview Avenue and State Route 217 and will be used as a demonstration project looking at implementing improvements which were developed as part of the Complete Streets Corridor Study. The Interim Striping Project will focus primarily on restriping Hollister Avenue in Old Town Goleta as a two-lane roadway with bike lanes and provides an opportunity to gauge the effectiveness and safety of the identified changes before more permanent hardscape improvements are constructed. These other improvements such as sidewalk widening, new medians, landscaping, and other beautification elements also identified as part of the Complete Streets Corridor Project will be deferred to a future project.
Mayor Paula Perotte said, “We are excited to move forward with a study that will inform us on how to best proceed with The Hollister Avenue Interim Striping Project. This project would include re-striping Hollister Avenue to test the effects of reducing car lanes and gain more car parking and bike lanes.”
Charlie Ebeling, City of Goleta Director of Public Works, added, “The Interim Striping Project is a great first step in the process. This project will help us answer questions about what works and what doesn’t, when we are ready to move forward with the Hollister Avenue Complete Streets Project.”
With the action taken at the City Council meeting, Public Works will begin the analysis and scoping to develop the Conceptual Design for the Interim Striping Project. Staff will return to City Council to present a scope, budget, timeline and conceptual design for the striping changes before moving forward into the Design and Construction Phases. The City will continue to pursue the more permanent Hollister Avenue Complete Streets Corridor Project improvements and look for opportunities for funding.
The complete staff report is available here: https://tinyurl.com/yxt4a42j.
Pictured: Archive photo of Hollister Avenue in Old Town