We are so excited to be breaking ground on four of the City’s neighborhood parks! Children will be able to play on the amazing new equipment before the end of the year. Each of the parks will have their own set of play equipment that came about after receiving community input on what the people who lived nearby felt was most important for their neighborhood playground.
New playground equipment will be installed at Andamar, Berkely, and Winchester II parks. There is something for adults as well; outdoor fitness equipment will be going in at Winchester I park.
City of Goleta Parks and Recreation Manager said, “This has been a long process, but the excitement is high as we near the day when children will be able to play on new equipment that will challenge and enhance their creativity, physicality and social experiences. We will do our best to minimize the impacts to the neighbors, while working hard to bring the community amazing new playgrounds and outdoor fitness equipment.”
Below is information on each park and its construction timeline:
- Berkely Park: The park broke ground on October 4th and is expected to wrap up by the end of October. The existing play equipment will be replaced by new equipment for ages 2 – 5 and 5 – 12. The toddler area will have a dual bouncer and a climbing feature. The play area for kids 5 – 12 years old will have a climbing structure.
- Winchester I Park: Construction began on October 5th and will take about four weeks to complete. The park will have outdoor fitness equipment available for community members 13 years and older. Four different machines will be added along the north east side of the park to allow for maximum green space and ADA accessibility.
- Winchester II Park: Work begins on Wednesday, October 6th and we anticipate the new play area being ready for kids to use by the end of November. This park is getting a large makeover. It currently has only one swing set, and we are so excited to be adding two play features with climbers and swings; one for children 2 – 5 years old and the other for children 5 – 12 years old. Even with the expanded play equipment, there will still be room for t-ball and soccer activities for children eight and under. We are also adding seating and shade for users and spectators.
- Andamar Park: Construction is tentatively planned to start at the end of October and will take about two months. The size of the play area will increase, and the existing equipment will be replaced with swings and a play structure that includes climbing, monkey bars and slides for both toddlers and school age children. We are also adding a merry-go-round, benches and shade.
During construction, portions of the park(s), or in some cases the entire park(s), will be closed to public access. Please keep in my mind this schedule is tentative and could be modified based on field and/or weather conditions.
Thank you for your patience as we work to bring new playground equipment to Goleta! For more information, visit the project page on our website here.
For questions, please contact JoAnne Plummer, Project Manager, at jplummer@cityofgoleta.org or (805) 562-5505. Stay tuned for a ribbon-cutting announcement.
Park renderings below:
Berkeley Park (area for children ages 5-12 years old)
Berkeley Park (area for children 2-5 years old)
Winchester I Park
Winchester II Park
Andamar Park