The City is currently working on renovating four parks with new play or outdoor fitness equipment. We are excited to announce that work to replace and install playground equipment at Berkeley Park is complete! Installation of fitness equipment has begun at Winchester 1 Park and work has begun on Winchester 2 Park to replace and expand the playground and add a walkway from the new playground to the sidewalk at Calle Real. The playground renovation and expansion at Andamar Park will begin later this month and includes a replacement of the access road to accommodate accessibility needs.
During construction, portions of the park(s), or in some cases the entire park(s), will be closed to public access. Please keep in my mind this schedule is tentative and could be modified based on field and/or weather conditions.
Thank you for your patience as we work to bring new playground equipment to Goleta! For more information, visit the project page on our website here.
Pictured: New playground equipment at Berkeley Park