Hollister Avenue Closed in Old Town from Fairview Avenue to Kellogg Avenue Starting at 5:00 p.m.
We hope to see you this Saturday, December 11th, for the return of the Goleta Holiday Parade! The event begins at 6:00 p.m. and runs from Orange Avenue to Kinman Avenue. As a reminder, Hollister Avenue will be closed to all vehicles (including electric or motorized bicycles) starting at 5:00 p.m. from Fairview Avenue to Kellogg Avenue. No parking signs will be posted and Goleta Police will be providing security and patrols. If your vehicle is parked in the parade route it will be cited and towed. Goleta Public Works will be providing traffic control support for vehicle safety and providing portable lighting throughout the parade route for pedestrian safety. Please allow time for parking and carpool if possible.
The parade is presented by the Goleta Lions Club, in partnership with the City of Goleta and community sponsors. This year, the Mayor, Councilmembers, and the City’s Community Relations Team are thrilled to participate. We are so pleased this much-anticipated event is back after being cancelled last year due to the pandemic. It’s a great opportunity to see our Goleta community organizations, schools, nonprofits, youth sports teams, and community members march down Hollister Avenue in Old Town Goleta. We can’t wait to get in the holiday spirit with you and see so many smiling faces. Look for the Mayor and Councilmembers who will be cruising the parade route in style in an antique fire truck, convertibles and by bike. The Community Relations Team will be promoting the City’s new GoodLandGoodShopping.com website.
We are looking forward to a safe and fun event! For more information on the parade, go to https://goletaholidayparade.org/.