Attend a Meeting or Take Our Survey!
We want to hear your insight regarding housing issues in our community.
The City is conducting a public workshop on the Housing Element Update at the upcoming Planning Commission meeting on Monday, March 14, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. Spanish interpretation will be available. City staff will provide an update on the Housing Element Update to the Planning Commission and members of the public, provide an update on the project, and provide opportunities for the Planning Commission and members of the public in attendance to provide input regarding housing issues within the City. The agenda will be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at www.CityofGoleta.org/GoletaMeetings. A link to participate will be available in the agenda.
The City held a virtual Housing Element Update stakeholders meeting with Old Town residents, businesses, and property owners on March 8.
Take our survey! The City also has a survey for community members to take as part of the Housing Element Update. Thank you to the over 400 people that have already taken the survey. If you haven’t, please take a few minutes to take it now in English or Spanish. The survey is an important part of the City’s effort to update our Housing Element for the 6th housing cycle (2023-2031) as part of state law.
The Housing Element update will include an analysis of housing needs, resources, and constraints, and articulates the City’s official policies and objectives for the development, preservation, and improvement of housing for all economic segments of the community. More information can be found here. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule a meeting with City staff, please email HousingElement@cityofgoleta.org.