Participate in CycleMAYnia all Month Long

E-Bike Incentives Available to the Goleta Community

May is National Bike Month! The transportation sector is the #1 source of our community’s greenhouse gas emissions, and a major contributor to climate change. This month, Goletans can participate in a number of opportunities to reduce their emissions, get active and join fun community bike events, and potentially win a free e-bike!

Santa Barbara County residents can participate in CycleMaynia’s EZBike Challenge for an opportunity to win a free e-bike and other small prizes on a weekly basis in May. If a resident logs eight separate bike trips in the month of May through, they can potentially win one of the three free e-bikes available. More details on the EZBike Challenge and contest eligibility can be found at

In addition to the contest, CycleMaynia is hosting a number of community events to get folks outside and on their bikes. Below are some local events you may enjoy, check out the full calendar of events here.

  • May 11, 2:15-3:15pm: Mayor’s Ride. Join the three South Coast Mayors (Paula Perotte of Goleta, Wade Nomura of Carpinteria, and Randy Rowse of Santa Barbara) along with other elected officials for a tour of existing and planned infrastructure. Coordinated by the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments and City of Santa Barbara with support from BCycle and Cycling Without Age. The ride begins at SBMTD office, 550 Olive Street in Santa Barbara.
  • May 17, 5:30pm-7:30pm: Taco Tuesday E-Bike Ride. The EZBike Project invites you to test ride various e-bikes on a group ride destined for tacos. Starts/ends at SBCAG Regional Transit Facility, 6414 Hollister Ave.
  • May 19, 9:30am-3:30pm: Demo an E-Bike at Home. The EZBike Project invites residents to borrow an e-bike for a long weekend to see what a life changer an e-bike can be. Registration required, and bikes are picked up at SBCAG Regional Transit Facility, 6414 Hollister Ave.
  • May 20, National Bike to Work Day. Takes place the third Friday in May every year.
  • May 22, 1pm-4pm: Bike to Nature Ride. Goleta route will include a group ride on streets with a nature spot destination. Ride will be led by a certified biking instructor from SBBIKE+COAST. Wilderness Youth Project will lead family activities at the nature destination. This event is open to all families with children, and able to accommodate folks unable to ride a bike, elderly family members, someone who uses a wheelchair, etc. thanks to a partnership with Cycling Without Age.
  • May 31, 11:30am-1:30pm: Taco Tuesday E-Bike Ride. The EZBike Project invites you to test ride various e-bikes on a group ride destined for tacos. Starts/ends at SBCAG Regional Transit Facility, 6414 Hollister Ave.

View the flyer here.

Learn about E-Bike Incentives from Central Coast Community Energy

If you’ve been considering purchasing an e-bike, there are incentives available to Goleta residents. If you are an enrolled customer with Central Coast Community Energy, you are eligible for up to $1000 in rebates when purchasing an e-bike through the Electrify Your Ride program. If you purchase an e-bike from a local shop, you can qualify for an additional $100 rebate. This is a great opportunity to make the switch to an e-bike at a discount! There are still funds available through Electrify Your Ride on a first come, first served basis until funds are fully reserved. Details on the Electrify Your Ride program and available rebates can be found at: