Library patrons, have you ever wanted a Book or Book on CD not owned by Goleta, Solvang or Buellton Library? Did you know that you can get one free directly from Amazon with our Zip Book program? The Zip Book program is funded by the California State Library with funding guaranteed through August 31, 2022. We do not know if the State will renew this program after that date, so take advantage of it now! Make your request here.
With the funding, libraries can purchase books and audiobooks not already owned by the Goleta Valley, Solvang, or Buellton libraries. The requested material must be available from Amazon for less than $50 in either print or large print formats, or less than $75 in Book on CD format. Requests are limited to FIVE books per household per month. There is no due date; items should be returned to your home library when finished reading with a note saying “ZIP BOOK RETURN”. Because the State no longer requires that the item be published more than two years ago, you can request brand new titles! For questions email zipbooks@cityofgoleta.org.