There is still time to apply for one of the five open seats on the City’s newest commission – the Historic Preservation Commission! Applications are due by September 9. This commission an important next step in the implementation of the Historic Preservation and Cultural Resources Ordinance enacted by the City Council in April 2022.
The goal of the Historic Preservation Ordinance is to preserve and protect resources that, once lost, cannot be replaced or replicated. Responsibilities of the Commission include but are not limited to:
- Making recommendations to the City Council regarding the designation of eligible properties as Historic Landmarks, Historic Districts, and Points of Historical Interest within the City and Mills Act requests.
- Making recommendations to the City Council regarding the rescission of or amendment to a historic designation.
- Reviewing and making recommendations to the Design Review Board on projects involving alterations to historic resources.
- Reviewing historic resources surveys and making recommendations to the City Council on periodic updates to the City’s Historic Resources Inventory.
- Making recommendations on any proposed design guidelines that may be developed by the City for project review or review of appropriate alterations or new construction within Historic Districts.
- Acting as an advisory board to the City Council, Planning Commission, Design Review Board, City Manager, and all City departments on all matters related to historic preservation.
Five members will be appointed to this Commission by the Mayor. The first group of members selected will term out in varying years (June 2024, 2025, and 2026). After that, terms will be for four years, with no limit on the number of terms to which members may be appointed. A majority of the members must be residents of the City. Meetings are tentatively scheduled for the 3rd Monday of every other month, subject to the agenda calendar.
The City is looking for both professional and lay members with demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission members may be appointed from among the following disciplines: architecture, history, architectural history, planning, archaeology, or other related disciplines, such as American studies, landscape architecture, cultural geography, or cultural anthropology, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Commission members may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interest/expertise, competence, experience, or knowledge of Goleta history and historic preservation, and/or are members of local Chumash tribal group(s).
Don’t miss this historic opportunity! Apply for the City’s first Historic Preservation Commission at www.CityofGoleta.org/BoardsCommissions. Applications due by September 9, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. For questions contact cityclerkgroup@cityofgoleta.org.