New Routes and Schedule began October 3
The Eastern portion of Goleta began experiencing new street sweeping routes and an updated schedule pm Monday, October 3. All information about Street Sweeping in Goleta can be found on the City’s website at www.CityOfGoleta.org/StreetSweeping.
Please note that the street sweeping program for Western Goleta is managed by the Goleta West Sanitary District. The routes and schedule remain unchanged. View the map and calendar for Western Goleta at https://goletawest.org/street-sweeping.
Eastern Goleta Only
New Schedule Began October 3rd, 2022
- To better address trash and other debris on streets, the new Street Sweeping schedule will only include one side of the street on each sweeping day.
New Voluntary Parking Restrictions
- To allow the street sweeper to more effectively clean your street, please move vehicles, trash cans, basketball hoops, mobile homes, large vans, boats, trailers, and other obstructions on your street sweeping days. The City appreciates your effort to helping keep Goleta clean and beautiful.
- Updated Street Sweeping Program Webpage
- New City-Wide Map
- New Eastern Goleta Map
- New Interactive City-Wide Map
Contact Us
Please reach out to the Environmental Services Division at EnvironmentalServices@CityOfGoleta.org with any questions or comments.