Join Us October 27 In-Person, Participate Via Zoom or Watch Live Broadcast
The City of Goleta is holding a Special City Council meeting on the Hollister Avenue Old Town Interim Striping Project on October 27, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. Join us for this important discussion on traffic conditions in Old Town, how the Hollister Avenue Old Town Interim Striping Project addresses area traffic issues and whether to move the project into the final design and construction phases. There are many ways you can participate. Join us in person at the Goleta Council Chambers (130 Cremona Drive), via Zoom or Watch Live on www.cityofgoleta.org or Goleta TV Channel 19.
At a well-attended community workshop held at the Goleta Community Center on September 30th, the City presented information on traffic volumes, speeds and safety. Staff also presented the plan created to address parking, speed, and safety concerns in Old Town, which includes:
- One vehicle and bike lane in each direction
- A non-traversable painted median
- Back-in angled 90-minute parking along the north side of the street
- Parallel 90-minute parking along the south side of the street
- Traffic signal equipment and timing upgrades
Meeting participants asked questions and provided input. Based on the turnout at the workshop and the positive feedback received, the City plans to expedite the project by converting the second planned community meeting into a Special City Council hearing. The City Council hearing will continue to be a forum for members of the public to receive project information and to voice their opinions. After public discussion, City Council will direct staff on how to continue with the project. Combining the community meeting and City Council hearing could potentially save months in the project schedule, if approved by the City Council.
For more information on this project, please visit: https://cityofgoleta.org/hollisterinterimstriping.
Instructions on how to participate in the Special Council Meeting will be available in the agenda. The agenda is posted at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting at www.CityofGoleta.org/GoletaMeetings.
Pictured: Hollister Ave in Old Town