The San Jose Creek Bike Path Project is on to the next phase following Council’s approval of the environmental document (Mitigated Negative Declaration) at its October 4, 2022, meeting. More than 15 speakers turned out to the Special Council Meeting to voice their support for the project and a petition with more than 700 signatures urging councilmembers to approve it in time to meet grant deadlines was submitted. With Council’s approval, the project has now reached the end of the environmental review and conceptual design phase. Now the project will move to the design phase which includes permitting, design, and right of way.
At the meeting, staff provided additional information regarding the impact to the trees and the riparian habitat in the project corridor. The information included the results of an arborist lead tree survey. Staff also provided additional information regarding the overall project costs.
To view the meeting go to https://goleta.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=1777.
The San Jose Creek Bike Path Project is an important component of the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan as it will provide a critical connection between existing bike routes north of U.S. 101 and the Atascadero Creek Bike Path to the south. It will connect bike routes north of Calle Real all the way to the Coast Route, that connects to Goleta Beach, UCSB, and into Santa Barbara. This is a complex project that has involved close coordination with various agencies including Caltrans and the County of Santa Barbara. A project map is available here.
The public can review the final environmental document here for the project. The project will be going to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) at its December meeting to request allocation of Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant funding for the design and right of way phase.
For more information contact Teresa Lopes (Tlopes@cityofgoleta.org) Or visit our project webpage for more information.