Thursday, October 13 at 6:00 p.m. at 6021 Hollister Avenue
The Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara, in partnership with the County of Santa Barbara and City of Goleta, is pleased to invite members of the community to an in-person meeting on Thursday, October 13th beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the housing development project located at 6021 Hollister Avenue in Goleta. This development will provide permanent supportive housing for people experiencing homelessness, chronic homelessness and homeless youth or youth at risk of homelessness. The project will also include on-site wrap-around supportive services and ample space for indoor and outdoor community services.
The purpose of the meeting is to present information to the community about this housing development and answer questions from attendees. Representatives from HASBARCO, the City of Goleta, SB ACT, and Goleta Mayor Paula Perotte will be on hand. Spanish interpretation will be available. Select areas of the project will be available for viewing beginning at 5:30 p.m.
This housing development project will consist of 59 permanent supportive housing units for people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. One unit will house an onsite property manager, plus five existing units will be converted to support community space and a robust offering of services.
Nearly $19 million of the approximately $20 million total project cost has been awarded through the State of California Homekey 2.0 Program. The funding is a part of $70 million in State awards for six new Homekey projects throughout California. When fully operational, the projects will provide 232 housing units for people experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, homelessness.
Under recent State law (AB 140 and AB 2162), supportive housing projects funded through the Homekey program are automatically deemed consistent and in conformity with local General Plan and zoning requirements and allowed by right as a permitted use.
Pictured: 3D Conceptual Rendering of Supportive Housing Development