Pavement rehabilitation work is scheduled to begin the week of November 7th on various roadway sections in the Cannon Green and Covington Neighborhoods, Armstrong Road and Cathedral Oaks Road from Alameda Avenue to Evergreen Drive. The roadwork is part of the 2022-2023 Pavement Rehabilitation Project and is expected to take six months to complete.
Construction will begin with concrete work, which consists of the reconstruction of concrete gutters, adjacent curb ramps to meet ADA standards, and miscellaneous concrete repairs. This work will be followed by asphalt roadway work, then striping and signage.
The City constructs an Annual Pavement Rehabilitation Project as part of its Pavement Management Program (PMP). Following the PMP ensures the most efficient use of available funding for maintaining the City’s roadway network. The PMP consists of tracking the condition of the pavement and based on the condition, developing periodic pavement maintenance activities and projects. Pavement maintenance ranges from pothole repair and crack sealing to slurry seals, overlays, and reconstructions. The PMP is also a critical planning tool that assists staff in establishing a list of priority roadways to be included in the City’s annual pavement rehabilitation projects. In addition to the PMP recommendations, the paving priority list is developed based on public input and staff’s experience and understanding of the roadways.
It’s important to note that the City of Goleta has a backlog of deferred roadway pavement maintenance, and it has been many years since the City has been able to fully fund its pavement program. The backlog as well as the recent significant increase in the cost of construction makes it extremely challenging to maintain pavement condition goals. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we do our best to address the pavement needs in the City with current resources available.
If you have any questions on the Annual Pavement Projects, please contact Debbie Talarico, Contract Project Manager, at dtalarico@cityofgoleta.org.