Cathedral Oaks Road Crib Wall Winterization Project Completed

The City of Goleta’s Winterization Project for the Cathedral Oaks Road Crib Wall is complete. A Crib Wall is a type of large-scale retaining wall that retains an earthen slope. The bike path in the area has been closed for several years following a winter storm event that eroded the slope and raised concerns over the integrity of the Crib Wall.

The minor temporary maintenance was done to improve and protect the slopes near the Crib Wall locations on Cathedral Oaks Road north of Calle Real. This project will help protect and stabilize the current conditions of the slopes at the Crib Walls from the winter weather and protect the area from further erosion and degradation.

This brief up-keep activity is a short-term maintenance effort aimed to protect and stabilize the current conditions from further degradation while the long-term Crib Wall repair and embankment rehabilitation project develops. 

The long-term project for repairing the Crib Wall includes the selection of the engineering design team, final design of the project, and then a public bidding period to select a contractor for the larger repair project.

The design phase will likely last approximately 18 months. Following the Design phase, the Construction phase will address the long-term repairs to the embankment and the Class I Bike Path rehabilitation.

For any additional questions on the recent maintenance project, contact the City’s contract project construction manager, Matt Davis of DCME, at 805-450-7949 or For inquiries on the long-term Crib Wall repair/rehab design and construction program, please contact Michael Winnewisser, City of Goleta Assistant Engineer, at 805-690-5120 or  

Pictured: Work from this week’s Cathedral Oaks Road Crib Wall Winterization Project