The City needs your help to make our Street Sweeping Program a success. We want to remind everyone that in order to get our streets clean, we need everyone’s cooperation in moving obstructions that are in the street (i.e. vehicles, trash cans, basketball hoops, mobile homes, large vans, boats, trailers, etc…) on your street sweeping day.
The City updated the street sweeping routes and schedule for Eastern Goleta this past October so that each side of a street is swept every other week. By sweeping each side of a street on different days, it provides more flexibility for residents as it relates to street parked vehicles and helps avoid the need for implementing parking restrictions.
How Can You Help?
- Move obstructions on your street sweeping days. This allows the street sweeper to more effectively clean the street.
- Know your zone and schedule!Visit CityOfGoleta.org/StreetSweeping for maps and mor information. Print a schedule to put on your fridge for easy reference and consider setting a reminder if you need to!
Please note: The street sweeping program for Western Goleta is managed by the Goleta West Sanitary District. The routes and schedule remain unchanged. View the map and calendar for Western Goleta at https://goletawest.org/street-sweeping.)
- Updated Street Sweeping Program Webpage
- New City-Wide Map
- New Eastern Goleta Map
Please reach out to the Environmental Services Division at EnvironmentalServices@CityOfGoleta.org with any questions or comments.