Arbor Week (March 7 – 14) has come and gone, but you can celebrate it all year long. The City recognized the special week with a proclamation (view it here!), a tree planting at Stow Grove Park, and the planting of 25 new trees along Hollister Avenue in Old Town. The City received approval from the Public Tree Advisory Commission to plant three species of trees: Ginkgo Biloba, Arbutus Marina “Madrone”, and the Chinese Pistache. These trees were planted along Hollister Avenue, stretching from Fairview Avenue down to the Highway 217 overpass.
Fun facts:
- The Goleta Public Works team manages more than 14,000 publicly owned trees along our streets and parks.
- Goleta is home to the world’s largest California sycamore and North America’s largest Australian willow.
We encourage everyone to plant and maintain trees year-round to promote the well-being of Goleta.
Pictured left-to-right: Goleta Parks and Open Space Manager George Thomson, Public Tree Advisory Commission Chair Jessie Altstatt, Mayor Paula Perotte, Parks and Recreation Commission Chair Deborah Williams and Public Works Maintenance Supervisor Jorge Flores planting trees at Stow Grove Park
Pictured left-to-right: Parks and Open Space Manager George Thomson, Mayor Paula Perotte and Public Tree Advisory Commission Chair Jessie Altstatt hold City of Goleta Arbor Week Proclamation at March 7, 2023 City Council Meeting