The Goleta Valley Art Association (GVAA) celebrated 60 years of “Bringing Art to the Community” with a special luncheon on Saturday, March 11, at the Glen Annie Golf Club. More than 50 local artists and guests attended, highlighted by a presentation of a proclamation honoring the anniversary presented by Goleta Mayor Pro Tempore Kyle Richards.
The program portion of the event featured highlights of the organizations past 60 years, including its founding by a small group of artists in 1963, led by Warren Fuller, who mounted their first showing at a bank in Goleta. Douglass Parshall was elected as the first president that year.
GVAA president Elizabeth U. Flanagan said, “We are delighted to be able to gather with fellow members and friends in the community for our first annual luncheon since 2019 to celebrate 60 years of fulfilling our mission to bring art to the community.” Flanagan is one of 46 to serve as president over the organizations 60 years. Flanagan began her service as president in 2017.
The organization’s first meeting place was the Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce office with 16 members. More recently, the organization has had showings at the Goleta Valley Library (GVL), Faulkner Gallery at the Santa Barbara Public Library, La Cumbre Plaza, Camino Real Marketplace and various galleries in Santa Barbara. Show sponsors have included Art Essentials, Limousine Link, Voice Magazine, La Cumbre Plaza and Camino Real Marketplace.
With a current membership of more than 200 local artists, GVAA maintained its activity during the first years of the pandemic by presenting shows and sales on their website, www.thegoletavalleyartassociation.org.
For many years prior to the pandemic, members of GVAA provided after-school art instruction to students in the Goleta Union School District. As the community continues to return to this type of pre-pandemic activity, members are hoping to resume their volunteer roles in providing this important instruction to young people in the community.
GVAA resumed in-person shows in 2022 at both libraries. A current exhibition/sale is at the Goleta Valley Library (500 N. Fairview Ave) April 1 – 26. Library/show hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday.
A unique activity of the GVAA is a critique presented by the juror of each show providing specific professional guidance to each artist.
“These critiques, provided through the generosity of our jurors, amount to nothing less than master classes with some of the best artists in our region,” stated Terre Martin Sanitate, vice president who oversees the organization of the exhibitions. “They are an invaluable resource for GVAA members.”
For more information about the organization and how to join, visit www.thegoletavalleyartassociation.org.
Pictured above: Mayor Pro Tempore Kyle Richards presenting the proclamation to GVAA President Elizabeth Flanagan
GVAA Celebration
GVAA Board Members