City Clerk Marks 20 Year Milestone
The City of Goleta wants to take this opportunity to recognize and commend our dedicated Goleta City Clerks Division during Professional Municipal Clerks Week which runs from April 30 through May 6. Making this year even more special is the fact that our long-time City Clerk, Deborah Lopez, is celebrating 20 years of distinguished service, 18 of those years in this leadership position.
Mayor Paula Perotte said, “Deborah Lopez has been with the City of Goleta almost since its beginning and our city has flourished under her guidance in this critical government position. Her attention to detail, flexibility and professionalism is beyond what we could ever hope for or imagine. We applaud Deborah and her team for the outstanding work they do day in and day out to keep our city running smoothly.”
City Clerk Deborah Lopez said, “I love my job and feel grateful to have such a great supportive team and to serve as the City Clerk of such a wonderful place.”
Deborah Lopez started with the City as an Administrative Assistant in 2003. She served as an Accounting Specialist and Deputy City Clerk before being hired as the City Clerk in 2005. Deborah grew up in the Stockton area and worked in the private sector before starting with the City. Deborah is the mother of six and grandmother of 14. She is especially proud that one of her children followed in her footsteps and is also a City Clerk.
The Goleta City Clerks Division team also includes Deputy City Clerks Liana Campos, David Cutaia and Public Records Specialist Blake Markum. If you want to brighten their day and let them know what a great job they are doing, please consider sending an email to CityClerkGroup@cityofgoleta.org. To thank Deborah Lopez, send an email to dlopez@cityofgoleta.org or go to our Facebook page (facebook.com/cityofgoleta) and leave her a comment on this post.
The City Clerks Division is the backbone of any city. The Division serves as the information center for functions of local government and provides a professional link between community members, local governing bodies, and agencies of government at all levels. The Division is also the Historian of the Records, taking care of the recorded history of the City.
The Division is responsible for all City Council meetings, including maintaining a record of the proceedings. The team did a tremendous job of transitioning to hybrid meetings (offering both in person and virtual meetings) since the pandemic and just in the past year has held over 100 hybrid meetings.
The City Clerks Division also oversees all ordinances, resolutions, proclamations, written contracts, official bonds and public records requests. In addition, the City Clerk serves as the election official for the City of Goleta, and the Division was instrumental in the City’s recent transition to District Elections. The Division oversees the City’s seven Council-appointed Boards, Commissions and Committees; and much more.
Learn more about the City Clerks Division at www.cityofgoleta.org/your-city/city-clerk.
It’s amazing all that our Clerks Team handles, and we owe each of them a debt of gratitude.
Pictured at top: City Clerk Deborah Lopez
City Clerk Team (left-to-right): Public Records Specialist Blake Markum, City Clerk Deborah Lopez, Deputy City Clerks David Cutaia and Liana Campos