Attend or Watch Conceptual Design Review on June 13 at 3:00 p.m.
Santa Barbara (SB) Humane, located at 5399 Overpass Road in Goleta, is requesting potential changes to its facilities on the 3.98-acre site. The Design Review Board (DRB) will conduct a Conceptual Design Review of the proposed project on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. to get feedback on building design and site changes. The DRB Agenda and staff report will be available on or before June 8th at www.cityofgoleta.org/meetings-agendas.
The property owner is considering demolishing and replacing all existing buildings (10 buildings and 1 barn) except the existing education building (renovation only) and relocating the historic Beck House on-site with the removal of the non-historic addition. The applicant is requesting a parking space reduction from 79 required spaces to 65 spaces. The anticipated grading includes 3,700 cubic yards of cut, 280 cubic yards of fill, and 3,420 cubic yards of export. Of the 55 existing trees, 38 trees are proposed for removal, one is proposed to be relocated, and 16 will be protected in place. The site will be landscaped with 57,087 square feet of new landscaping as well.
To be a part of the DRB meeting, you can attend in person in City Council Chambers (130 Cremona Drive) or watch the meeting live on the City’s website or on Goleta TV Channel 19. DRB meetings can be viewed live or recorded on our website at www.cityofgoleta.org/meetings-agendas. Sign up here to have DRB Agendas sent to your inbox. Written submittals concerning agenda items may be sent to the Design Review Board Secretary email: mchang@cityofgoleta.org. In order for public comments to be disseminated to the DRB for consideration during the DRB meeting, written information must be submitted to the DRB no later than 24 hours prior to the DRB meeting if not attending in person or virtually. Communication received after this time may not be reviewed by the DRB prior to the meeting.
Please direct questions and/or comments regarding this project and the DRB Conceptual Review hearing to Associate Planner Travis Lee at tlee@cityofgoleta.org.