Watch Highlight Video of Ribbon Cutting at Armitos Park
The City’s first Community Garden, new playground and extended bike path are officially open at Armitos Park in Old Town. The sun popped out just in time for a ribbon cutting ceremony held May 29, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. More than 75 people attended the celebratory event, many of them proud renters of one of the 50 garden plots. Watch a highlight reel of the event here. You can also view photos here.
Mayor Perotte, a gardener herself, kicked off the ceremony by highlighting seven benefits of having a community garden. She said, “They beautify the landscape, lead to a healthier lifestyle, encourage people to be outdoors and active, help clean up the environment, build strong communities, provide learning opportunities and relieve stress.” She added, “When people take a garden plot, they foster a sense of ownership and begin to feel more personally invested in their community. It’s a great place to learn, find a mentor, even a new life-long friend. Also, gardening is an invitation to step away from your to do list, slow down, connect with nature and each other.”
District 2 Councilmember James Kyriaco spoke next and applauded the many people who were part of making this dream a reality. “So many different hands contributed to your being able to get your hands dirty today in our new community garden. So many different generations of people, both young and old, are going to enjoy this new equipment, new upgraded facility, new community space, new Old Town backyard.”
A great deal of thought and detail went into the design of the park which was outlined by Parks and Recreation Manager JoAnne Plummer. She said, “The center area where we are gathered here today is strategically designed to look like a flower. There is a pizza oven in the picnic area. Even the bike racks are garden themed. The new and expanded playground includes swings and specialty items like the sandbox, an accessible sand table and musical instruments. There are so many great details, but my favorite part of this park is the beautiful butterfly-shaped raised flower bed filled with flowering plants designed to attract pollinators to the garden.”
Senior Project Manager Teresa Lopes spoke on the significance of the new extended multi-purpose path. She said, “This portion is an important piece of the overall San Jose Creek Multi-Purpose Path Project. Not only does this completed segment provide a connection between Armitos Park to Jonny D. Wallis Neighborhood Park, but the path also provides an integral connection for the Old Town community to eventually travel to the north and south on a safe, accessible multi-use path.”
The City wants to express its heartfelt appreciation to the neighboring businesses and residences for their patience and support through the duration of bringing this project to fruition.
To check out all the exciting changes for yourself, go to Armitos Park located at the end of Armitos Drive near the S. Kellogg Avenue and Armitos Avenue intersection.
For more information on the park, please visit www.CityofGoleta.org/ArmitosPark or contact Parks and Recreation Manager JoAnne Plummer at jplummer@cityofgoleta.org.
Background: The City acquired the 1.5-acre space from the County Housing Authority in 2005 to develop as a future park. Armitos Park opened in 2008. In 2015, a community garden was identified as a need through a Recreation Needs Assessment. Armitos Park was chosen as the location due to condensed housing and lack of gardening locations in Old Town. While attempts were made to secure grant funding, the project was ultimately funded through Park Development Impact Fees.
Pictured above: Parks and Recreation Manager JoAnne Plummer with the butterfly flower bed at Armitos Park
Below: photos from the event (more available in album here)