Grinding and paving work on Hollister Avenue between Fairview Avenue and Kinman Avenue is expected to start in the next few weeks as part of the Hollister Avenue Old Town Striping Project. Construction began in May and is anticipated to be complete by late summer 2024.
During construction, expect traffic delays, reduced lanes, and limited street parking. Please follow posted signs and plan for additional travel time. Pedestrians and vehicles will be sharing the road, drive with caution.
For project updates, please visit www.CityofGoleta.org/ProjectConnect.
Once complete, Hollister Avenue will feature:
- One vehicle lane in each direction
- Painted median
- Dedicated bike lanes in each direction
- Back-in, angled 90-minute parking along the north side of Hollister Ave.
- Improved pavement
- New traffic signals
The Striping Improvements are part of the multi-year Project Connect, the largest capital improvement project in the City’s history, which kicked off construction in March. Since then, work has been done to remove trees and clear vegetation, relocate utilities, and install temporary traffic signals.
Once completed, Project Connect will enhance pedestrian access and safety, improve road conditions, and build critical linkage throughout Goleta while increasing stormwater flow capacity in San Jose Creek under Hollister Bridge.
The City understands that long-term projects such as this one can be inconvenient for those who live in, visit, or have businesses in the area. We appreciate your patience in advance and look forward to the positive impact that will be felt for years to come as a result of this project.
Questions? Looking for more details?