Goleta residents and property owners are entitled to live in an orderly, safe, and beautiful community. The purpose of the Code Compliance function is to facilitate a safe and desirable environment by applying applicable zoning and building laws and regulations as suspected violations are reported. These adopted regulations include, but are not limited to, the Goleta Municipal Code (GMC), the California Building Code, the International Property Maintenance Code, and other adopted codes. Code Compliance addresses a wide range of neighborhood issues from property maintenance issues to unpermitted construction activities.
There are three ways to report a code violation:
- City Assist – Submit a Request
- Public Portal for Permit Tracking
- Calling 805-961-7556 or emailing codecompliance@cityofgoleta.org
Reports are investigated by Code Compliance Officers who determine if a violation exists based on visual observation from the public right of way. If a violation is identified, then the Property Owner and tenant (if applicable) are sent a written letter (Notice of Violation or NOV) outlining the violation(s) and given a deadline to comply. Typically, multiple NOVs are sent before additional Code Compliance actions are undertaken including the issuance of administrative fines/citations.
Recently, the City of Goleta has contracted with a third-party vendor (Citation Processing Center or CPC) to accept and process administrative fines/citations associated with Code Compliance cases. If a Property Owner/tenant receives an administrative citation, the payment methods available include online payments at www.CitationProcessingCenter.com or with mail in payments to: City of Goleta, c/o Citation Processing Center, PO Box 7275, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -7275. CPC has a bilingual Customer Service Department available Monday – Friday from 8am – 5pm (800-989-2058) to serve the residents/property owners who receive an administrative citation.
Please do your part to create and preserve an orderly, safe, and beautiful community by maintaining your property and/or by checking with the Current Planning Division (805-961-7543 or planningcounter@cityofgoleta.org) or the Building Division (805-961-7552 or buildinggroup@cityofgoleta.org) before undertaking construction.