There is No Earthquake Season

Summer is a time for relaxation, but in the event of an unexpected earthquake emergency, will you be prepared? Whether you are relaxing on the coast, camping in the woods, or enjoying the latest thrill ride at an amusement park, Cal OES encourages Californians and visitors alike to take the time now to update their emergency plans, including having a plan for when you are on vacation. Take a moment to get familiar with the local evacuation routes and emergency shelters.

Stay informed about earthquake risks at your vacation destination and be mindful of local regulations, share emergency preparedness lists with friends and family, and activate advanced warnings on your devices to know when to take protective life-saving actions. Download the free MyShake app now for your smart phone. If you experience an earthquake, drop, cover, and hold on until the shaking stops.

Follow any instructions from local authorities and be ready to evacuate if necessary. By taking proactive steps to prepare for earthquakes while on vacation, you can help ensure the safety and well-being of yourself and your loved ones, turning a potential disaster into a manageable situation. Many things in life may catch us off guard, but earthquakes don’t have to!

Get more tips and resources from Earthquake Warning California at