The City now has a prestigious award to hang up at City Hall after a presentation from the League of California Cities at the November 19 City Council meeting. Cal Cities Area Representative Dave Mullinax presented the City of Goleta with the 2024 Helen Putnam Award for Excellence in Enhancing Public Trust, Ethics, and Community Involvement for the LEAD Goleta Bilingual Community Academy.
Dave Mullinax said. “It really reflects the excellence of your staff and the leadership of your council. This award started in 1982. Helen Putnam really embodied what a public servant should be. She was a mother, teacher, a principal, a mayor and a County Supervisor. She felt that living up to your potential was a true standard of excellence. It is my pleasure to be able to present this award to your City.”
Lynn Darnton who graduated from the first bilingual LEAD Goleta class in 2023 said, “I am proud to be part of a city that cares so much about their outreach and has this kind of transparency.”
2024 Bilingual Lead Goleta graduate Leonardo Dominguez with the assistance of a translator expressed his appreciation. He said, “I want to thank you for thinking of us and including us. It’s a beautiful thing.”
Councilmember Kyle Richards, who brought the Community Academy idea to the City in 2019 said, “It has been so gratifying to see every time we do this Academy it keeps getting better and better. It allows people to have a way to find out about local government and what happens behind these walls and to have a mechanism where people get engaged and become a part of the decision-making process. All of the decisions we have made we have made better ones when we had the most people engaged.”
The City is preparing for its upcoming 2025 LEAD Goleta Community Academy. Learn more at
Goleta City Council, City Staff, and Cal Cities representative
LEAD Graduates joining in the fun (pictured with Goleta City Council, City Staff, and Cal Cities representative Dave Mullinax)