The summer has flown by (again), and school is back in session. Because of that, the Goleta Traffic Unit would like to remind all drivers, students and parents of some important safety measures. We all want our children to have another safe school year.
Goleta has six public schools with over 3,500 students. The motoring public must, therefore, practice safe driving at and near schools and pay extra attention to the roadways due to increased foot and vehicle traffic.
Parents need to discuss bus, pedestrian and bicycle safety with their children in order to prepare them for a safe school year. In addition, parents dropping off their children are reminded to vigilantly obey all traffic laws and exhibit patience when near a school. The Goleta Traffic Unit encourages parents to utilize the drive-through, drop off zones in front of the schools and/or drop students off near a crosswalk.
In order to promote awareness for back-to-school traffic safety, officers from the Goleta Traffic Unit will be stepping up their patrols at all Goleta schools with emphasis on safety for children. So, keep an eye out for us..
Important Safety Tips for Kids:
• Walk to school with a group of kids and always have a responsible adult walk with you. Always walk on the sidewalk if one is available.
• If no sidewalk is available, walk facing traffic.
• The safest place to cross is at a street corner or intersection.
• If you are 10 years old or younger, you need to cross the street with an adult. You should not cross by yourself.
• Before you step off the curb to cross the street, stop and look left, look right and look left again to see if cars are coming.
• When no cars are coming, it is safe for you and an adult to cross. But look left-right-left as you do it and hold the adult’s hand.
• Always walk when crossing the street. Never run across the street to catch a ball or chase a toy, a friend or a pet.
• Darting out in front of a parked car is dangerous. The drivers of cars coming down the street can’t see you.
• Cross at corners and use crosswalks whenever possible. Always stay within the lines of the crosswalk.
• Never go for a walk with a stranger. Only walk with someone your parents say is okay.
Be a responsible parent and practice the following good driver tips:
Allow Extra Time: Do not arrive late or at the last minute. Prepare the night before and leave your house early so you do not need to rush.
• Reduce Speed: The maximum speed near a school is 25 miles per hour. However, slower speeds are recommended when children are present. Some school areas in Goleta have a maximum speed of 15 mph. Please obey all speed laws because speeding is the number one cause of collisions around schools.
• Obey Stop Signs: Make a complete stop. Be vigilant. Look for children stepping off the sidewalk.
• No Double Parking: Double parking impedes traffic flow. Never let a child exit a double-parked vehicle.
• Avoid U-Turns: U-turns near the school cause congestion. Do so only at an intersection (if permitted).
• Do Not Park in a Red Zone: The curb is red due to safety reasons. Parking in the red zone often obstructs the view of other drivers resulting in a collision with a child or other vehicle.
And always remember to stay alert, stay vigilant and…stay safe!