7-Day Public Review through October 9
The City of Goleta submitted revisions to the adopted Housing Element 2023-2031 to the State for review on August 18, 2023. Based on preliminary feedback from the State, the City has prepared additional revisions to the document. The adopted Housing Element 2023-2031 with the revisions shown in tracked changes can be viewed here. A shorter document that only includes pages where new edits are proposed can be found here. The newly proposed revisions are highlighted in blue.
This document was released for a 7-day public review on October 2 and will be available through October 9. If you have any comments on these revisions, submit them to HousingElement@cityofgoleta.org by Monday, October 9 at 5:00 p.m. Staff will consider comments received, make necessary revisions, and transmit the revisions to the State for its consideration.
More information on Goleta’s Housing Element Update is available at www.CityofGoleta.org/HousingElement.