Apply for a City Board or Commission as Your New Year’s Resolution

Applications Due January 10, 2025

Start the new year by giving back to your community! Make it your New Year’s Resolution to apply for a vacancy on one of City of Goleta’s Boards or Commissions. Serving on a Commission is a great way to use your talent and time to make a difference and help shape the future of Goleta. It’s also a unique opportunity to learn more about how local government works and have your voice heard.

The City is looking to fill 12 vacancies on five different Boards and Commissions (Planning Commission, Design Review Board, Parks and Recreation Commission, Public Engagement Commission and Public Tree Advisory Commission). Here is more about each opportunity:

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission sits as a decision-making body on land use issues for the City and consists of five members who each serve a four-year term. Their role is to review and take appropriate action on discretionary development applications and to make recommendations to the City Council regarding any proposed legislative actions, including the General Plan and its implementation, as required by law.

There are three vacancies. Eligible applicants must live in the City of Goleta and be qualified electors. The Planning Commission meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:00 p.m.; compensation is $150 per meeting.

Design Review Board

This seven-member body encourages development that uses the best professional design practices to enhance the visual aesthetics of the community and prevent poor quality of design. The Design Review Board (DRB) advises the City Council, Planning Commission, and staff.  

There are three vacancies. Two vacancies are for At-Large members, eligible applicants must live in the City of Goleta. One vacancy is for a licensed landscape professional (landscape architect); qualified applicants are not required to reside within City limits for this vacancy. Members are appointed to a three-year term. The DRB meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 3:00 p.m. Members are compensated $75 per meeting.

Parks and Recreation Commission

This seven-member body advises the City Council on all issues related to parks and recreational opportunities in Goleta, including the acquisition, development, maintenance, and improvement of the City’s public parks, recreational services, and open spaces.

There are three vacancies; eligible applicants must live in the City of Goleta. The Commission holds six regular meetings and may hold additional meetings as needed. Members are compensated $75 per meeting.

Public Engagement Commission

This seven-member body advises the City Council and staff on matters related to public engagement in City government and governance. The Commission has provided recommendations to the City Council on moving to evening-only meetings, directly electing the Mayor, and district elections.

There is one vacancy to fill an unexpired term through November 2027. Eligible applicants must live in the City of Goleta. The Commission holds four regular meetings and may hold additional meetings as needed. Members are compensated $75 per meeting.

Public Tree Advisory Commission

The Public Tree Advisory Commission provides advice to staff and the City Council in developing plans and goals for the Goleta Urban Forest, represents the interests of the community, and informs the community of the Urban Forestry program as directed by the City Council. Urban forests encompass the trees and shrubs in an urban area, including trees in yards, along streets and corridors, in watersheds, and more. Urban forests are important because they are the trees right outside our doors providing air, shade, and beauty.

There are two vacancies, qualified applicants are not required to reside within City limits. The Commission holds four regular meetings and may hold additional meetings as needed; members are compensated $75 per meeting.

Apply Online

Get a head start on your New Year’s resolution and apply now at Applications are due by January 10, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. For additional information, please email