Provide Input on the Old Town Sidewalks Project

There’s lots happening in Old Town. If you live, work or visit the area, please come to our Old Town Sidewalks project meeting on March 22 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. at the Goleta Valley Community Center (5679 Hollister Avenue). Attendees will be able to look at images of the proposed changes of each street, block by block, and provide input on design considerations for trees, stormwater, parking and lighting. Information will also be provided on what private property owners should expect in the upcoming right-of-way process.

The Old Town Sidewalks project will improve the way pedestrians get around parts of Old Town by providing a network of sidewalks on at least one side of neighborhood streets north of Hollister Avenue between South Fairview and Kinman Avenues as well as along Pine Avenue south of Hollister Avenue. The project also includes storm water drainage improvements and 42 angled parking spaces on the east side of Magnolia Avenue between Mandarin Drive and the railroad tracks. For more information, visit the project page at