All residents of Goleta now have access to a free, online social network specifically for their neighborhood called Nextdoor. This private network fosters communication between neighbors which leads to stronger neighborhoods and a safer community. Nextdoor sites are an easy way for residents to get to know their neighbors, exchange information and advice and ask questions. Topics of discussion range from local events and school activities, to contractor recommendations, disaster preparedness, recent crime activity and lost pets.
1. How does Nextdoor work?
Each of the City’s 22 neighborhoods has a private Nextdoor website that is accessible only to the residents of that neighborhood. Once neighbors verify their addresses and join their neighborhood website, they can find other neighbors in the resident directory, view a neighborhood map, ask for advice, exchange local recommendations and share neighborhood information with each other. Neighbors can choose to see and respond to updates via email or only on the website.
2. What types of things do people do on Nextdoor?
People in Goleta are already using their Nextdoor networks to find a great babysitter, alert fellow neighbors to local crimes, learn more about upcoming City construction projects and share an abundance of fruit from their own trees. However, the exchange of information is limitless.
3. How is Nextdoor different from my neighborhood mailing list?
Nextdoor is designed for the specific communication needs of a neighborhood. For example, Nextdoor websites include a neighborhood map and directory of residents, so it’s easy to know who you’re talking to. When a neighbor shares a recommendation for a favorite local service (e.g. gardener, cleaning service, tutor) it’s automatically cataloged so anyone can easily refer back to it at any time. Unlike mailing lists and groups, Nextdoor makes it easy to stay informed without overwhelming people with too many emails. Members can choose to receive emails about each new post, see everything in a single daily digest, or turn off emails and check the website for new posts from neighbors. In addition, Nextdoor archives and organizes all recommendations for easy use across the neighborhood.
4. How do I get started?
Go to and put in your address to see if your neighborhood has a leader (also known as a founder). If so, continue the process and join your neighbors on Nextdoor. If your neighborhood has not yet been established with a leader, or if you have any questions, contact Valerie Kushnerov, Public Information Officer at the City of Goleta, at 961-7507 or
Hint: Being the founder is easier than you might expect. The best founders are people who are willing to invite neighbors to the group through email, a conversation or a flyer dropped off on a doorstep. The time is minimal but the reward of serving your community is great.