Since the City of Goleta incorporated in 2002, two waste haulers have serviced City residents and businesses. When one-half of the City’s agreement was set to be renegotiated, the City Council chose to negotiate a “sole source contract” or a contract with just one of the two companies. This gave the City the opportunity to move all of the waste services to one company so that all of the community receives the same services at the same competitive rates. In April, the City Council approved a contract with MarBorg Industries to provide these services.
The new contract starts July 1, 2011, and will affect everyone in the City of Goleta. All waste collection will be done by MarBorg. On average, single family rates will be reduced 20%, multi-family rates will decrease 22% and commercial rates will fall 5% with the implementation of the automated collection service. In addition, MarBorg will offer unlimited recycling and greenwaste, household battery collection, free sharps containers and disposal and bulky item collection for residential customers.
Automated collection is typically accomplished with the use of side-loading trucks. A mechanical arm is connected to the side of the trash truck and collects specially designed carts at the curb. This system requires only one person to operate as the driver controls everything from the cab of the truck. The driver directs the mechanical arm to grasp and lift the cart which then dumps the contents into the hopper. The new automated system is safer and more efficient thereby reducing carbon emissions and cost. Backyard service will still be available to residents for an additional charge. Residents with documented disabilities may continue to have backyard service without additional charge.
Automated collection is used to service neighborhoods where residents use individual refuse,recycling and greenwaste containers. Multifamily complexes (apartments, condominiums,etc.) and commercial businesses with bins are serviced using a different kind of vehicle. Most neighborhoods in the City are suitable for automated collection. A small number of areas will continue to be serviced with semi-automated rear loading vehicles or the use of a smaller truck. Residents in these neighborhoods will be issued new refuse and greenwaste carts and will pay the same reduced rate as those residents with automated service.
Automated collection requires special carts that are durable and easy for residents to use. They have wheels and attached lids that cover contents, exclude rainwater and keep rodents and insects out of the cart. Residents already have hauler-provided automated carts for commingled recyclables collection. Without additional charge, the hauler will provide carts for refuse and greenwaste to residents.
Taxpayer dollars will also be saved as MarBorg will provide free public services valued at $500,000 annually to the community. As part of the agreement, MarBorg will pick up trash and recycling at the City’s buildings, parks and open spaces, and public schools for free. Public street and bus shelter receptacles will also be collected at no charge. Portable sanitation facilities (also known as porta potties) in the City’s open spaces will also be provided and serviced for free. In addition, MarBorg will provide complimentary trash and recycling pick up and portable sanitation services at the Lemon Festival, Fiesta Ranchera, Stow House’s Fourth of July and the Fireworks Festival at Girsh Park. These are just a few of the highlights of the new franchise agreement.
Residents and businesses will be receiving information on the transition process, the new fees, benefits, and services from MarBorg in the coming weeks to ensure a smooth transition. If you have further questions, please contact the City’s Environmental Services Coordinator, Everett King, at 961-7565.